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Tuesday 8 October 2013

Bo May Be An Asshole.

This is Bo. He is SUPPOSED to be the Thrift Store Cat. He’s an outdoor stray, that was hanging around a business on the highway, about a 5 minute drive away from us. Scared shitless of cars and traffic. Anyway, the Boss-Lady took him, introduced him to the store. He’s supposed to eat and kill kill kill the chipmunks that are constantly making their way into the store.

He and I met last week. He LOOKS like he should be lovely. One blue eye and one yellow. Biggest Balls ever. White and pretty. And a Male. Usually they are friendlier, right?

So far, he’s been a bit of a jerk. Doesn’t like anyone. Won’t talk to me at all. I’m offended. Last week, he ran away. braved our busy road, and the busy highway to get back to the place he was formerly hanging around. How do they know how to get back to where they used to be, without a GPS is what I want to know.

Anyway, today the Store-Kids (Boss-Lady has 4 kids, of various ages, and they were in store today because it was a PD day off from school.)… came running out of the back, yelling “Bo is doing something BAD!” All I knew is, there was no fecking way I was cleaning up cat spray/shit/piss/barf from any of the donations. This is what I found:

Bo. Making himself comfy on a giant pile of presorted clothing, due to be put on hangers and out on the floor. Doing that cat kneading thing… which was causing all the clothing to sloooooowly fall to the floor.

Just after this photo, he kneaded the mountain just enough, to completely topple the top layer, and himself to the floor. It was a 7 foot fall to the floor. (I don’t know how Boss-Lady gets the clothing piled that high in the first place. I try to stay the hell out of the back sorting area.)

Bo. He just might be an asshole.


P.S. I didn’t pick that pile of clothing up. So, there’s a very good chance I might be an asshole too.


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